Simple, transparent pricing

Always know what you'll pay

YearlySave 20%
Just getting startedThings are movingThings are flyingCustom pricing
/ month/ year/ month/ year/ month/ year
Free implementationWe will handle the entire implementation for you.
14 day free trial
Unlimited integrations
Support via Slack
Sales (monthly)Up to £75kUp to £300kUp to £1mCustom
Overages (per additional £1k)£1.75£1.15£0.45

Prices exclude any applicable taxes.


What if our sales fall between tiers?

We have an overages model so that your costs scale smoothly (see "Overages").

Example: if last month's sales were £100k i.e. £25k over, the cost would be £165 + (25 x £1.75) = £208.75.

Can we fix the price?

Yes. Our plans are monthly by default however you can fix your price if you commit for a year. You can also then save an additional 20% if you pay the year up front.

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Data should be your competitive advantage, not your biggest hindrance.

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